Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism are examples of Symbiotic Relationships.

To clarify, symbiotic, according to, means having an interdependent relationship.

Mutualism is a subcatagory of these interdependent relationships. Mutulism is a kind wherein there are two organisms and both benefit from the situation.

Commensalism is a subcatagory wherein two organisms take part, but one benefits and the other has no affect.

Parasitism  is a subcatagory in which there are two organisms, one is benefitted, and the other is harmed.

 An example of mutualism in the tropical rainforest would be figs and the animals that eat them. The fig seeds have a natural laxative in them to help them pass faster without getting digested by stomach-acids, at the same time, the animal eating the fig gets some food. Yay everybody!

And when Epyhites (a plant) grow on trees to reach more sunlight , this is an example of commensalism in the tropical rainforest.

Then last example, parasitism in the tropical rainforest would be when a type of fungus needs to spread. In order to do so, it needs some wind. There's no wind on the rainforest floor, so it must first get eaten by an insect, then the spores grow rapidly and proceed to take over the mind of the little one. The fungus leads them high up into the trees, and then explodes the insect in order to catch a ride on the wind and spread out. (Kind of cool, right?!)

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